
The template defines dataset structure. It holds parameters common to all messages within the dataset: data origin (from Section 1), geolocation (Section 3), variable names, optional forecast times and vertical dimensions. To make a template, use function make_template(). The first argument is a GRIB2 file or a list of files sharing common reference time. Other arguments are optional, if not specified, all messages present in GRIB2 files will be processed.

make_template() uses inventory files to get the required metadata. If those files do not exist, inventory is created by a call to make_inventory().

To select subset of variables, specify one or more boolean functions (predicates) accepting inventory item as the single input argument. A message is selected if any of the predicates return True. For example, to select temperature and relative humidity at 2 m, one could write:

def tmp_2m(item):
    return item.varname == 'TMP' and item.level_str == '2 m above ground'

def rh_2m(item):
    return item.varname == 'RH' and item.level_str == '2 m above ground'

and call the above as:

tmpl = pywgrib2.make_template(gribfiles, tmp_2m, rh_2m)

A shorter version:

tmpl = pywgrib2.make_template(gribfiles, lambda x: x.varname in ('TMP', 'RH') and
                              x.level_code==103 and x.level_value==2)

The list of all available attributes is here.

When a data file contains messages for multiple model outputs, make_template() requires argument reftime. The value does not matter, as long as it is listed in wgrib2 inventory output.

To group several levels into 3-dimensional spacial array, pass: vertlevels=levels

where levels is a string or a list of strings specifying vertical dimension(s) to be combined, for example: vertlevels='isobaric'

combines pressure levels. Available levels are isobaric, height_asl, height_asl, sigma, hybrid.

There are more arguments to make_template(), refer to the doc string for explanation.

To allow variable with the same names in a GRIB2 file, but describing different physical quantities to coexist within the same dataset, variable name is made by concatenating varname, level_str and time_str, sparated by a dot. Blanks are replaced by an underscore.

varname is what wgrib2 terms extended name, which can be obtained by passing the option -ext_name (or -pyinv). Consider:

wgrib2 albers.grb
1:0:d=2009060500:HGT:200 mb:330 hour fcst:ens std dev
wgrib2 albers.grb -ext_name

The level part is taken verbatim from level_str. Without argument vertlevels='isobaric', temperature at 500 hPa is coded as TMP.500_mb. When vertlevels is specified, variable name is TMP.isobaric. Compare:

files = sorted(glob.glob('nam.t00z.afwahi??.tm00.grib2'))
tmpl = pywgrib2.make_template(files, lambda x: x.varname=='TMP' and
                              x.level_code==100 and 90000<x.level_value<100000)
['TMP.925_mb', 'TMP.950_mb', 'TMP.975_mb']


tmpl = pywgrib2.make_template(files, lambda x: x.varname == 'TMP' and
                              x.level_code==100 and 90000<x.level_value<100000,
array([97500, 95000, 92500])

Level dimension name is always level name with appended ordinal. Adding the ordinal allows variables with different number of levels in the same dataset.

To illustrate processing of forecast time consider accumulated precipitation in NAM GRIB2 files:

for h in 00 03 06 09 12 15 18 24
do f=nam.t00z.afwahi${h}.tm00.grib2
echo $f; wgrib2 $f -match APCP
668:18592315:d=2020060300:APCP:surface:0-0 day acc fcst:
668:19041947:d=2020060300:APCP:surface:0-3 hour acc fcst:
668:19688872:d=2020060300:APCP:surface:0-6 hour acc fcst:
713:21326599:d=2020060300:APCP:surface:3-6 hour acc fcst:
668:20017699:d=2020060300:APCP:surface:0-9 hour acc fcst:
713:21642149:d=2020060300:APCP:surface:6-9 hour acc fcst:
668:20483592:d=2020060300:APCP:surface:0-12 hour acc fcst:
713:22152393:d=2020060300:APCP:surface:9-12 hour acc fcst:
668:20992733:d=2020060300:APCP:surface:12-15 hour acc fcst:
668:21264515:d=2020060300:APCP:surface:12-18 hour acc fcst:
713:23185255:d=2020060300:APCP:surface:15-18 hour acc fcst:
668:21199001:d=2020060300:APCP:surface:12-24 hour acc fcst:
713:23172832:d=2020060300:APCP:surface:21-24 hour acc fcst:

The periods are 0 days (or hours, or seconds), 3, 6, 9 and 12 hours. Accumulated precipitation for those periods must be separate variables. Each of those variables will have different forecast time dimension:

tmpl = pywgrib2.make_template(files, lambda x: x.varname == 'APCP')
tc9 = tmpl.var_specs['APCP.surface.9_hour_acc'].time_coord
tc6 = tmpl.var_specs['APCP.surface.6_hour_acc'].time_coord
tc3 = tmpl.var_specs['APCP.surface.3_hour_acc'].time_coord

       datetime.timedelta(seconds=75600)], dtype=object)

       datetime.timedelta(seconds=64800)], dtype=object)

       datetime.timedelta(seconds=75600), datetime.timedelta(days=1)],

Forecast time dimension name is always timeN where N is an ordinal. make_template() searches the inventory attribute time_str for keywords indicating type of statistical processing (Table 4.10), and, if present, calculates period between start_ft and end_ft. When the period is 0, the time part is null, otherwise is formed from the processing type and the period. For example, the string 12-15 hour acc fcst translates to 3_hour_acc, while 12 hour fcst is ignored. The time coordinate value is always that of end_ft.