Writing GRIB2 Files¶
wgrib2 and consequently pywgrib2_xr does not support creating GRIB2 files
“from scratch”. Rather, an existing GRIB2 message is used as a template, the newly
created message shares, by default, both metadata and grid values. New field values
can be set via RPNRegister
, metadata can be updated with
the help of over 60 commands -set_X
where X
is the parameter to set.
The function write_msg()
hides implementation details.
See wgrib2 -set_metadata documentation
for detailed desctiption of all possible options.
Modify model issue time, preserve data values:
# Add 1 day + 12 hours to date code for each message in input file date_inc = timedelta(days=1, hours=12) for item in pywgrib2.inv_from_grib(in_file): pywgrib2.write_msg(out_file, in_file, item, date=item.end_ft + date_inc)The keyword argument
is passed towgrib
as'set_date', date_str
.Add calculated wind speed at isobaric levels to a GRIB2 file:
gribfile = 'gfs_4_20180930_1800_072.grb2' windfile = 'wind.grb2' def pred_wind_isobaric(item): return item.varname in ('UGRD', 'VGRD') and item.level_code == 100 inv = pywgrib2.load_or_make_inventory(gribfile, save=True) tmpl = pywgrib2.make_template(gribfile, pred_wind_isobaric, vertlevels='isobaric') ds = pywgrib2.open_dataset(gribfile, tmpl, chunks={'isobaric1': 1}) uv = ds['UGRD.isobaric'] + 1j * ds['VGRD.isobaric'] ds['WIND.isobaric'] = np.abs(uv) # See https://github.com/pydata/xarray/issues/2609 ds['WDIR.isobaric'] = (90.0 - xr.ufuncs.angle(uv, deg=True)) % 360.0 # Not needed in this example # ds['WIND.isobaric'].attrs = # ds['WDIR.isobaric'].attrs = meta = next((i for i in inv if pred_wind_isobaric(i))) for p in ds['WIND.isobaric'].coords['isobaric1'].values: level = '{:d} mb'.format(p // 100) wspd = ds['WIND.isobaric'].sel(isobaric1=p) wdir = ds['WDIR.isobaric'].sel(isobaric1=p) pywgrib2.write_msg(windfile, gribfile, meta, data=wind.values, var='WIND', lev=level, grib_type='same', append=True) pywgrib2.write_msg(windfile, gribfile, meta, data=wind.values, var='WDIR', lev=level, grib_type='same', append=True)File
may now be concatenated togribfile
. The argumentchunks
in the call toopen_dataset
can be omitted when memory is not a concern.