(projname, globe=None, **kwargs)[source]¶ Factory method to create projection from dictionary.
- Parameters
projname (str) – Projection name, one of {‘latitude_longitude’, ‘rotated_latitude_longitude’, ‘mercator’, ‘polar_stereographic’, ‘lambert_conformal’, ‘gaussian’, ‘space_view’}.
globe (dict) – Mapping: code -> int, ‘shape’ -> str, ‘earth_radius’ -> float, ‘semi_major_axis’ -> float, ‘semi_minor_axis’ -> float
**kwargs –
Projection-specific parameters.
La1 : latitude of first grid point
Lo1 : longitude of first grid point
Ni : number of points along a parallel
Nj : number of points along a meridan
Di : i direction increment (deg)
Dj : j direction increment (deg)
rotated latitude_longitude:
La1 : latitude of first grid point
Lo1 : longitude of first grid point
Ni : number of points along a parallel
Nj : number of points along a meridan
Di : i direction increment (deg)
Dj : j direction increment (deg)
LaSP : latitude of the southern pole of projection
LoSP : longitude of the southern pole of projection
Rot : angle of rotation of projection
La1 : latitude of first grid point
Lo1 : longitude of first grid point
La2 : latitude of last grid point
Lo2 : longitude of last grid point
LaD : latitude where Di and Dj are specified
Ni : number of points along a parallel
Nj : number of points along a meridian
Di : longitudinal direction grid length
Dj : latitudinal direction grid length
wgrib2/Sec1.c - polar_stereographic:
La1 : latitude of first grid point
Lo1 : longitude of first grid point
LaD : latitude where Dx and Dy are specified [deg]. LaD must be 60 (nps) or -60 (sps) (library limitation).
LoV : longitude where y axis is parallel to meridian.
LaO : latitude of projection origin, either 90 (nps) or -90 (sps)
Nx : number of points along the x-axis
Ny : number of points along the y-axis
Dx : x-direction grid length [m]
Dy : y-direction grid length [m]
La1 : latitude of first grid point
Lo1 : longitude of first grid point
LaD : latitude where Dx and Dy are specified [deg]
LoV : longitude where y axis is parallel to meridian
Latin1 : first latitude from pole which cuts the secant cone
Latin2 : second latitude from pole which cuts the secant cone
Nx : number of points along the x-axis
Ny : number of points along the y-axis
Dx : x-direction grid length [m]
Dy : y-direction grid length [m]
- gaussian :
lat0, lon0 : degrees of lat/lon for 1st grid point
lon1 = -lon0
,lat1 = lat0 + (nx-1)*dlon
nx : number of grid points in X direction.
ny : number of grid points in Y direction. ny must be even.
dlon : degrees of longitude between adjacent grid points.
space_view :
Lap : latitude of sub-satellite point
Lop : longitude of sub-satellite point
Nx : number of points along the x-axis
Ny : number of points along the y-axis
Dx : apparent diameter of Earth in grid lengths, in x-direction
Dy : apparent diameter of Earth in grid lengths, in y-direction
Xp : x-coordinate of sub-satellite point
Yp : y-coordinate of sub-satellite point
Nr : altitude of the camera from the Earth’s centre, measured in units of the Earth’s (equatorial) radius
Xo : x-coordinate of origin of sector image
Yo : y-coordinate of origin of sector image
unstructured :
Npts : number of points.
The following parameter is common for all projections :
winds : {‘grid’, ‘earth’}, optional. Vector orientation. Default is ‘earth’.
- Returns
Projection specific class instance.
- Return type