(string, winds='grid', globe=None)[source]¶ Factory method to create projection from wgrib2 style string.
- Parameters
string (str) –
Grid description in wgrib2 style:
latitude longitude : ‘latlon lon0:nlon:dlon lat0:nlat:dlat’, where
lon0, lat0 : degrees of lat/lon for 1st grid point.
nlon : number of longitudes.
nlat : number of latitudes.
dlon : grid cell size in degrees of longitude.
dlat : grid cell size in degrees of latitude.
rotated latitude longitude : ‘rot-ll:sp_lon:sp_lat:sp_rot lon0:nlon:dlon lat0:nlat:dlat’, where
sp_lon : longitude of the South pole (for rotation)
sp_lat : latitude of the South pole (for rotation)
sp_rot : angle of rotation
lon0, lat0 : degrees of lat/lon for 1st grid point.
nlon : number of longitudes.
nlat : number of latitudes.
dlon : grid cell size in degrees of longitude.
dlat : grid cell size in degrees of latitude.
Mercator : ‘mercator:lad lon0:nx:dx:lonn lat0:ny:dy:latn’, where
lad : latitude (degrees) where dx and dy are specified.
lat0, lon0 : degrees of lat/lon for 1st grid point.
latn, lonn : degrees of lat/lon for last grid point.
nx : number of grid points in X direction.
ny : number of grid points in Y direction.
dx : grid cell distance in meters in x direction at lad.
dy : grid cell distance in meters in y direction at lad.
north polar stereographic: ‘nps:lov:lad lon0:nx:dx lat0:ny:dy’
south polar stereographic: ‘sps:lov:lad lon0:nx:dx lat0:ny:dy’
lov : longitude (degrees) where y axis is parallel to meridian.
lad : latitude (degrees) where dx and dy are specified. lad must be 60 (nps) or -60 (sps) (library limitation).
lat0, lon0 : degrees of lat/lon for 1st grid point.
nx : number of grid points in X direction.
ny : number of grid points in Y direction.
dx : grid cell distance meters in x direction at lad.
dy : grid cell distance meters in y direction at lad.
Lambert conformal : ‘lambert:lov:latin1:latin2:lad lon0:nx:dx lat0:ny:dy’
lov : longitude (degrees) where y axis is parallel to meridian
latin1 : first latitude from pole which cuts the secant cone
latin2 : second latitude from pole which cuts the secant cone
lad : latitude (degrees) where dx and dy are specified
lat0, lon0 : degrees of lat/lon for first grid point
nx : number of grid points in X direction
ny : number of grid points in Y direction
dx : grid cell size in meters in x direction
dy : grid cell size in meters in y direction
global Gaussian: ‘gaussian lon0:nx:dlon lat0:ny’
lat0, lon0 : degrees of lat/lon for 1st grid point
(lon1 = -lon0
,lat1 = lat0 + (nx-1)*dlon)
nx : number of grid points in X direction.
ny : number of grid points in Y direction. ny must be even.
dlon : degrees of longitude between adjacent grid points.
winds ({'grid', 'earth'}) – Vector orientation. Default is ‘grid’.
globe (dict, optional) – Mapping: code -> int, ‘shape’ -> str, ‘earth_radius’ -> float, ‘semi_major_axis’ -> float, ‘semi_minor_axis’ -> float Default is current NCEP choice: Earth assumed spherical with radius = 6,371,229.0 m.
- Returns
Projection specific class instance.
- Return type